Whether it is a loose handle in the
kitchen, or the sealant around the
bath has gone mouldy, we are all
guilty of putting off the little jobs,
or neglecting them as part of our
daily routine.
It is essential to get these jobs
done once you have decided to
sell as such small changes could
be the difference to your buyer
and the offer they might make. |

It is necessary to dress your home
appropriately, in order to ensure it
is presented in the best possible
way. You should avoid cluttering
rooms and try to highlight the
features of your property.
An incorrectly dressed room can
easily result in potential buyers
thinking your property doesn't have
enough space for them or has an
inadequate layout. |

You may well be the proud owner
of the best house in your street, but
the smallest thing can put a buyer
off from some fly tipping at the end
of the road to an old sofa in the
neighbour’s front garden.
Often a simple call to the council or
a friendly chat with the neighbour
can resolve these niggling issues
of your surroundings, and ultimately
help sell your home. |